Framing options

My prints are printed on standard sized paper which means it's easy to find a frame that will fit. The final framed picture will look much better if the frame includes a mat, like the ones on this page.

Image size: 29.7cm x 21cm (11.7" x 8.3")

For this size of image, I recommend the Ikea Ribba 30 x 40 frame. The Ikea product number is 303.784.54. This frame comes with a mat and a 11.7" x 8.3" print will fit perfectly behind the mat. This is priced at £6.

Ikea Ribba 30 x 40 frame. £6 from Ikea.

Another good value frame is the Wilko Black Photo Frame 14 x 11in. This frame also comes with a suitable mat. This is priced at £7.

Wilko Black Photo Frame 14 x 11in. £7 from Wilko.

Alternatively, do a search for "A4 photo frame".

Image size: 20.3cm x 20.3cm (8" x 8")

For this image size, I recommend the LOMVIKEN 32 x 32 frame. The Ikea product number is 003.358.52. This frame comes with a mat and an 8" x 8" print will fit perfectly behind the mat. This is priced at £6.

Ikea LOMVIKEN 32 x 32 frame. £6 from Ikea.

If you need more help choosing a frame, please contact me
